Your Cozy Retreat “Funa-mizuya”
- Feeling cold? Shower comes out? Too windy?
- After enjoying crisp and clear winter sky, time for a change of mood?

Here we equip a cozy cabin, "funa-mizuya".
Loungy place for close conversation, even for a confidential talk.
Onshore-scale restroom and an air conditioner are placed for comfortable cruise.
Funa=boat's or ship's
mizuya=room used for preparation of tea ceremony, or retreat from flood
Thin LED Panel lighting for enough head space with sophistication by cherry branches.
Onboard library for books about Tokyo rivers and architectures.
Traditional dyeing "Edo-sarasa" table cloth.
Lantern reusing copper stencil for traditional dyeing.
Bento box delivery is available.
Handblown stemless glasses are available for your wine.