水辺で乾杯!舟遊び 7月7日 Cheers at Water Front ! Cruise Jul. 7
ミズベリング連動企画。7月7日七夕の夜、7時7分に水辺で乾杯する舟遊び Making a toast on the boat at 7:07p.m. on July 7

Mizbering Project is planning an event "Cheers at Water Front!" on July 7, Tanabata the Vega Festival
Day and River Day. At many water front places in Japan, people will make a toast
at 7:07 p.m. on July 7 at the same time. Why don't we make a toast together from the boat?
We will make a toast at Kanda River in front of Maach-Ecute Kanda Manseibashi.
Mizbering is the project/movement to think about the future potentials of Japanese water front places
involving citizens, enterprises, and local/national governments.
お好きなおつまみを持ち込んで、7月7日夜7時7分に水辺で乾杯!Kampai (cheers) at 7:07 with BYOF
開催日時 | 7月7日(火)18:30~19:50(80分)July 7, 6:30 to 7:50 p.m. (80 min.) |
発着場所 |
吾妻橋船着場(浅草の対岸、アサヒビール本社黄金の炎前)Azumabashi Pier |
乗船料 |
お1人様6,000円(税込)Yen6,000 per person (tax included) ☆ノンアルコールの方は4,500円 Yen4,500 per non-alcohol guest 舟遊び、ガイド、スパークリングワイン飲み放題、江戸風味のお土産付 Cruise, free flow sparkling wine, Japan taste little gift, guide (English guide available) |
最少催行人数 | 6名 Min. 6 people |
何か青いものを身に着けて楽しみましょう! Wear something blue to enjoy the event!
Keyword is "blue". Wear something blue to show your solidarity for the action. Anything is OK such as a T-shirt, bag, blue stone, etc.
In case of light rain, enjoy your drink in our cozy cabin "funa-mizuya".
Payment in advance. Payment information will be provided when we confirm your reservation.
When we cancel our cruise due to an extraordinary weather such as heavy rain or typhoon, we will inform you a day before the event.
BYOF welcome.